As fans of the saga, we’ve often wondered why so many people are yearning for a Dino Crisis remake or sequel to the game and we’ve tried to explain the reasons. At Digitaly Arts, we create story-driven games inspired by the timeless classics of the past.
Let’s be honest: Dino Crisis 3 left most fans of the saga disappointed. Many had hoped the chapter would pick up where the second left off: with Regina going back to save Dylan. That’s exactly where we drew inspiration for Time Breaking: Dino Breach: a woman, Kate, traveling back in time to rescue a man, Alan.
For our game, we took inspiration from Capcom’s classic but added our own spin: an original, story-driven narrative, modernized graphics, and updated gameplay.

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Dino Crisis remake: why fans want one
As highlighted by the article headlines in the image, more and more fans are clamoring for a Dino Crisis remake or sequel. Recently, Capcom conducted a survey asking gamers which series they’d like to see return in the near future as a remaster, remake, or sequel. Unsurprisingly, the most-voted series was none other than the dinosaur-filled classic.
Adding to the buzz is the growing number of fan-made Dino Crisis remakes, despite the obvious fact that these fans hold no rights to the original. We’ve explored this phenomenon by considering some key factors.
Dino Crisis Sales Data
So why a Dino Crisis remake? One of the key aspects is understanding how much the game has sold. According to VGChartz, the sales data for the game series up until 2018 are as follows:

The first game released in 1999, sold 2.4 million copies. Dino Crisis 2, released in 2000, sold 1.2 million copies. As for the third chapter, the sales data is uncertain, with estimates suggesting at least half a million copies sold. However, the actual number seems to have settled around 0.14 million copies sold.
Why Dinosaurs?
The success of Resident Evil undoubtedly played a role, pushing Capcom to develop Dino Crisis, though with notable differences. While Resident Evil is a survival horror – a slow-paced journey through a haunted mansion, requiring careful planning for your next move – Dino Crisis is a panic horror. It’s a rollercoaster ride: fierce and fast, much like the creatures that inhabit its world.
Additionally, let’s not forget the 1990s release of Spielberg’s Jurassic Park, which became a box-office hit and catapulted dinosaurs to the height of their popularity.
Time Breaking: Dino Breach – a spiritual Dino Crisis remake
What Do Time Breaking: Dino Breach and Dino Crisis have in Common?
Time Breaking: Dino Breach is an isometric survival horror adventure inspired by Dino Crisis. It features a strong, original narrative while reimagining gameplay and graphics with a modern touch, yet it still captures the unmistakable old-school vibe of those classic titles.
The game seamlessly shifts between claustrophobic environments, reminiscent of Dino Crisis, and open spaces, a hallmark of the second game of the saga, all while keeping the spotlight firmly on the survival horror genre.
The plot of Time Breaking: Dino Breach centers on the inevitability of fate and one woman’s desperate mission to save someone she deeply cares about. In her journey through time, she faces deadly dinosaurs and triggers irreversible damage to the space-time continuum, putting all of humanity at risk and forcing her to confront the consequences of her actions.
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